Tuesday, January 4, 2011

new years resolutions... eep!

hmmmm as with all new years traditions like getting drunk... burning ridiculous amounts of gun powder cos lets face it - blowing shit up is awesome.. i have decided on some new years resolutions that i will hopefully commit and achieve.. but i say that every new year... hmmm maybe thats another resolution for me - make new years resolutions and stick to them!!!! lol anyhoo..

new years resolutions..

one. quit smoking..
two. get down to a size eight, and
three. get into the airforce

why start a blog you ask.. i guess the reason why all my past attempts have failed is lack of motivation and support.. in other words.. i need someone to kick my ass for me so i do it... lol

here are some before shots to help make the progress to me becoming a single digit size.. eight lol at the moment i am a size ten and have renewed my gym membership so no excuses lol

yep i hate fotos... before shots thats my excuse


  1. Hey Steph which gym... and I cant figure out how to follow either lol
